Accelerated MFA

This 9 week studio is structured like an MFA class. In this studio, we will share our poems, take a deep dive into the readings provided, and even have the chance to lead class seminars.

This class is for intermediate and advanced level writers.

Must be 18 years or older to register.

Registration period: October 1 — October 31

Class Dates: November 2 — December 28


  • Description text goes here
  • This studio will run for 9 weeks. We will meet every Saturday at 10 am ET for 2 hours to discuss the readings and have a feedback session.

  • All studio sessions will take place on Zoom with materials posted to Google Classroom.

  • Every writer that is serious about their craft deserves the opportunity for a "higher" education, but MFAs are competitive, expensive, and, for many people, inconvenient.

    This is your chance to experience an MFA style program with the intensive literary theory, craft poetics, and feedback sessions.

  • We will read theory from writers such as Reginald Shepherd, Mark Fisher, Freud, and more.

What to expect


Read literary theory from different writers such as Fisher, Freud, Shepherd, and others. Discuss how to apply their theories to your poems and close readings.


Receive seminars on craft and structure as well as publishing and submissions.


Receive feedback every week from your peers and instructor.


Read poetry from contemporary poets such as Peter Gizzi, Victoria Chang, Jihyun Yun, Priscilla Becker, and others.


Deliver your own seminar on one theory or other reading of your choosing. Lead the discussion online.


Turn in a portfolio of edited work and receive detailed typed feedback from the instructor.


One time payment

Pay the full amount at a discounted rate.



Payment plan

Pay in 3 monthly installments.


How do I know if I am at least an intermediate level writer?

The level requirement does not have to do with the quality of your poems, but more to do with your experience. If you have engaged with other writers before and read a lot of poetry outside of your own, then you will be good to go!

What makes this studio an authentic MFA experience?

Through my experience in the MFA and teaching university level creative writing courses, you will be given the most valuable material through the most authentic structure possible.

What happens if I can only attend part of the course?

Because of the structure of the course and the feedback sessions, attending all 9 weeks is highly recommended. If you can only attend a part of the course, please let me know. You will still have to pay the full price.

Can I sign up to teach more than 1 seminar?

Because of time, each writer will only teach 1 seminar.

Do I have to apply for the studio like I’m applying for an MFA?

There is no application required.